Amigos míos han notado que cuando no puedo encontrar la palabra correcta en inglés, tal vez pueda localizar una frase en español que mejor captura el sentimiento. Esta capacidad de la palabra hablada para adjuntar la música general al significado de un discurso encuentro fascinante y expansiva de la mente sin fin.
Pasé el año 1999 en Pamplona, España para estudiar la literatura española a la Universidad de Navarre.
Luego en 2010 fui a Santiago de Chile y enseñé la ciencia política en español durante trés años a las universidades.
Finalmente fui a Urcuqui, Ecuador para enseñar al inglés a los universitarios de primer año a Yachay.
Conozco cómo es ser la extranjera.
Hoy en día me gustar hablar español y puedo explicar todos los contratos del real inmobiliario a mis clientes en español.
Some friends have noticed that when I can’t find the right words in English, I may be able to locate a phrase in Spanish that better captures the sentiment.
This ability of the spoken word to add nuance, tone, and general music to the meaning of a discourse I find endlessly fascinating and mind expanding.
I spent 1999 in Pamplona, Spain at the Universidad de Navarre studying Spanish literature. I became engrossed with the poetry of Santa Teresa, José Luis de Espronceda’s Canción del Pirata, and Almodovar’s films.
Later in 2010 I went to Santiago de Chile and taught political science in Spanish for 3 years. There I loved just talking talking talking to my friends. About Chile’s past and future. Visiting Valdivia and Patagonia made me alive with appreciation for nature. For Chilean movies that are entry points for understanding the many facets of the culture, see NO, and Violeta se fue al cielo.
Finally, I went with the Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy to Urcuqui, Ecuador to teach English. There STEM students learn English to complete their studies in science at a public university on the site of the first sugar planation in Ecuador. In the middle of nowhere, in the mountains, with hot springs nearby, it’s an undergraduate campus with a wonderful environment.
I know what its like to be the outsider for foreign-ness, a stranger in a strange land.
I enjoy speaking Spanish and can explain all of the real estate contracts to clients in Spanish.
One of the reasons I started my property management program was the gratitude I felt at all of the property managers who found me places to rent before I came here to settle down.
I know that the influences of the Spanish language I have experienced differ from the backgrounds of my Spanish speaking clientele here in the Roaring Fork Valley. Nevertheless, the ability to cross the linguistic divide to ensure a clear understanding of the real estate transaction is an area at which I excel.